Te Recuerdo
Is it just me, or is time moving at double pace lately? Could the New Paradigm be real or I am simply growing older and feeling more that everyday is truly a gift. I'm writing down these thoughts from my room in Los Angeles where I am steadily growing more accustomed to this city's ways.
Los Angeles has slow ways and fast ways, bright and dark ways.

Being in a new environment is both wonderful and terrifying. It brings up the very curious fact that right on the edge, just past what feels good and whispering to what feels bad, is growth.
I started Stickybaby in college, between transferring from ASU to FIT. I had to start Stickybaby, it terorized me, knocking on my mind, not easing until I actually put things into action. And that is still how Stickybaby works, I get an idea that bothers me incessantly until I start acting. I make a first sketch, gather color inspiration, search for fabric, create a mock up, find a model and test the garment. Then I do it all over again.

My friend told me recently, and I think its sound advice- don't make your career your whole identity.
But how can I not? This is all I think about, all I have to ground my racing mind. It's the only thing that makes sense of the blurring days in a world that can be so bad and cold.

I am reminded of my other positive attributes and deep interests: I love walking outside, making people smile, being with my family and reading. Do these things make up my identity?
All I know is that sitting at Musso and Frank's bar on a Saturday night with my best friend of 18 years, pondering the meaning of it all, is meaning enough for me.